History You may have heard of a recently popular rehab technique called Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR), and thought it sounded like a strange concept. Simply put, BFR is a technique which blocks blow flow in and out of the arm or leg via a cuff set to a specific pressure (Cognetti 2022). When paired […]
Get to know your TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint): About 12% of people in the US experience TMJ problems at some point in their lives TMJ issues are reported in women 9x more than in men The TMJ is used more frequently (3,000 times/day!) than any other joint in the body and is active with talking, swallowing, […]
So COVID-19 is here. You’ve been trying to work from your couch for the past several weeks. You’re suddenly fondly missing your office chair and it’s ergonomic curves. But the end of the lockdown isn’t in sight so you’re looking at somewhere in the ballpark of 4 to 4,000 more weeks of couch working. So […]
Let’s talk about osteoarthritis. But first let’s talk about joints. There are several different kinds of joints in the body and synovial joints are the most common type. The structure of a synovial joint goes like this: The ends of the two bones are covered with very smooth cartilage. This cartilage provides a cushion to […]
In recent years, fitness has become a hot topic in the golf world. Tiger Woods first introduced the idea of optimizing performance through fitness early on in his career. Now all the top players put a priority on how their body is performing in order to compete at the highest level. But golf fitness is […]
“Sitting is the new smoking”. You may have heard this saying and wondered if it is true. As a Physical Therapist this conversation often leads to the following questions: Is sitting detrimental? Am I sitting correctly? Can I injure myself by sitting too much? Does my hip/back/shoulder hurt because of sitting all day at work? […]